Pasture Raised Holiday Turkeys
**We are taking a break from raising turkeys in 2024 - please check back next year!**
Artisan Gold turkeys are a specialty culinary turkey developed based on French gastronomy. They have exceptional flavor and tenderness, with a distinct "turkey" flavor. Most folks told us it was the best turkey they'd ever had. Artisan Golds are a smaller table bird. Turkeys will finish at 10-18lbs processed (we do our best to honor your size request). Processed turkeys will be available starting October 16.
Our turkeys have free-range access to grass and bugs (along with our non-GMO feed). We take humane treatment seriously. Birds are processed on farm using our special turkey stun gun, which renders birds instantly unconscious before they are killed. We handle the birds a lot as they are growing up. This ensures the bird is under minimal stress on processing day (and results in a more tender bird).

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